
By know you are probably aware of the benefits of membership in some a professional translators’ association: job offers, courses, advice, visibility, and, above all, contact with other members of your profession.

Here are some of the main associations, both geographically (from global to more local associations) and in terms of specialisation. Take a look, because you might want to join one:

AIIC (Association internacionale des interprètes de conferènce): founded in 1953, with more than 3000 members in more than 100 countries. Its goal is to promote quality standards and ethics in the profession, as well as to represent its members’ interests. Its Spanish branch is ESPAIIC.

GALA (Globalization and Localization Association): this is an international non-profit association whose goal is to promote translation services through use of linguistic technologies. In this association you will find translation agencies, but also technology developers and specialists in internationalisation and localisation.

EUATC (European Union of Associations of Translation Companies): it groups the national associations of translation companies in Europe. It promoted high quality and business practice standards, and helps to improve translators’ training in Europe.

IATIS (International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies): a forum designed to discuss matters related to translation and other forms of  intercultural communication.

CEATL (Conseil Europeèn des Associations de Traducteurs Littéraires): constituted by associations of literary translators from various European countries, it is a non-profit association whose goal is to provide support to this translation speciality, as well as its members’ work.

ASETRAD (Asociación Española de Traductores, Correctores e Intérpretes): its goal is to achieve greater recognition for these disciplines and defend the interests of their practitioners.

ATRAE (Asociación de Traducción y Adaptación Audiovisual de España): a meeting point for professionals involved in the translation and adaptation of audiovisual productions.

EIZIE (Euskal Itzultzaile, Zuzentzaile eta Interpreteen Elkartea): the association of Basque translation professionals. It groups translators, interpreters, and proofreaders in every field (literature, audiovisual, etc.) whose working language is Basque.

APTIC (Associació Professional de Traductors i Intèrprets de Catalunya): it was created in 2009 through the merger of the Associació de Traductors i Intèrprets de Catalunya (ATIC) and Traductors i Intèrprets Associats pro Col·legi (TRIAC). Together they work towards the regularisation and protection of the practice of our profession in Catalonia.

AGPTI (Asociación Galega de Profesionais Da Tradución): it serves as a work and support platform for translators in Galicia.

Of course, this is just a small sample of the many associations that you might find of interest in our profession. Perhaps you will find that other associations better suit your profile or interest. It’s a matter of taking a look at them. If you think that there are other interesting associations, could you help us to complete this list?


Author admin

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