Did you know that in a London translation agency it isn’t only the translators who help to produce your translations (without wanting to take anything away from these people of course!)? In reality, a translation agency involves various different professional roles filled by people who collaborate in different aspects and have a wide range of specialist skills. If you have ever wondered which professionals are hiding behind the doors of a translation agency, you’re in the right place to find out!

The professionals in an agency who bring translation to life

Let us introduce you to the experts who allow a translation agency to stay in business:


We probably don’t need to introduce them since they are the professionals that you will no doubt think of first. However, we want to share a few facts about them.

The truth is that most agencies work mainly with freelance translators, but their passion for languages and ability to transmit ideas from one language to another make them irreplaceable parts of the agency. Their in-depth knowledge and experience in different fields ensure that the texts are translated efficiently and fluently.


Watch out! Finishing a translation does not mean that the job is done! Instead, after the translation has been completed it goes through a quality control. Both proofreaders and translators are qualified to do this job.

These linguists are in charge of polishing each translation until they have an impeccable version. With a detailed and demanding eye, they review the text and format, making sure that the terminology, grammar and spelling are correct and the style is consistent.

Project managers

This is where you will no doubt be asking yourself: “What does project management mean?”. To put it simply, they are in charge of organising the translation projects.

The project managers, also known as PMs, are responsible for contacting the appropriate translators to assign them the projects that a certain customer needs. But that’s not all! They are also in charge of reaching agreements with them and establishing delivery times. Most importantly of all, they make sure that the entire process is carried out efficiently and on time.

Marketing and communication specialists

These experts are the ones who are in charge of raising the profile of the translation agency. How do they do this? By using their creativity and strategic minds to conquer new markets and position the agency as the best choice for customers.

They research each market, immersing themselves in the minds of potential consumers. They then create strategies to drive growth and create captivating messages to attract and connect with these potential customers and generate tangible results for the agency.

Accounting experts

These professionals are responsible for guaranteeing accurate accounting and correctly made payments. They also deal with taxes, ensuring compliance with tax obligations and the filing of the corresponding tax returns.

In addition, they prepare reports to give an overview of the agency’s financial situation and look for ways to increase both profitability and efficiency. As you can imagine, they are pretty essential experts!

Sales managers

The famous role of the sales manager involves finding and identifying the company’s potential customers. This involves creating sales strategies to expand the agency’s customer portfolio.

In addition to acquiring new customers, they focus on strengthening relationships with its current customers. This allows them to drive the growth of the business, maximising commercial opportunities and ensuring the success of the agency.

Human Resources

The human resources professional is responsible for managing all staff-related issues.

What are their main objectives? Finding the best professionals and creating a pleasant working environment, as well as encouraging the growth of the team to ensure that they are always up to date in terms of skills and knowledge.

This expert is also in charge of making sure that the agency complies with employment laws and regulations.

And these, my friends, are the professionals who make a translation agency a success

We cannot finish without mentioning that the professionals working in a translation agency can vary according to how many of them there are, their specialist areas and the services they offer. Some agencies may have larger or smaller teams with more or fewer specialists.

Now that you know the professionals behind the doors of a translation agency in the UK, you can appreciate the teamwork and dedication it takes to provide you with quality language services. Why wait to take advantage of the entire team working in a translation agency so that your words can cross barriers?

Andrea Galiana

Author Andrea Galiana

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