Success story for online marketing agency


Digital marketing agency

Translation of marketing campaigns

Sigma Online Performance is a digital marketing agency that is responsible for managing online campaigns through specialists, optimising investment through the most appropriate channels for its customers’ sales targets.

“Our main objective is running high quality on-line marketing campaigns and being able to react quickly to obtain the best results for our customers.”

Our head office is in Switzerland and, although we mainly operate locally, we have customers in other countries where it is necessary to work in the local language of each place.


    Results with Okodia

    • Translations into multiple languages with a sole supplier
    • Extensive network of translators who are specialised in marketing
    • Speed in providing translation solutions
    • Widening of target markets thanks to localisation


    Our collaboration with Okodia allowed us to offer campaigns to international customers, outside of Switzerland. Thanks to Okodia, it was possible for us to add new markets quickly without having to search for new specialists every time. Okodia is like a hub of translators for the most diverse languages.

    Speed in providing new solutions is hugely important to achieve the established objectives.
    We found Okodia through the personal recommendation of a colleague. We immediately reached an agreement for the translation tasks we needed. Their extensive network of specialised translators for many languages and the speed in providing new solutions was crucial to being able to reach the established objectives.

    Noemi AlvarezDirector

    Do you want to get started on your project?

    We are proud to contribute to the success of this company in our role as its translation agency.