In the world of translation, many myths and misconceptions are treated as the truth. This can create unrealistic expectations for both customers looking for translation services and for the translators themselves.

The most common myths about translation

Below, we will debunk some of the most common myths:

1. Speaking the language is enough if you want to translate a text

Wrong. Although mastery of a language is essential, translation is a complex profession that requires specialist training, specific tools and an in-depth knowledge of the cultures involved.

Professional translators have gained the skills they need to analyse texts, understand their context and convey the message accurately and naturally in the target language.

2. A translator can translate anything.

False! Most translators specialise in specific subject areas, such as medicine, law, engineering, marketing or literature.

This is due to the complexity and technicalities of each field, which require specialist mastery of vocabulary and linguistic structures.

A responsible translator will be honest about whether they can work on your project and may recommend that you talk to a colleague who has more appropriate experience.

3. All translations are the same.

Absolutely not. Translation is a creative process that involves the translator interpreting the text and making decisions about it.

While the original meaning must always be respected, there are different styles and ways of conveying that content in the target language.

A good translator will adapt the text to the target audience, considering factors such as culture, register and the tone of the original message.

4. Google Translate has replaced the work of translators

Myth! Machine translation tools like Google Translate can be useful if you want to understand the general meaning conveyed in a text, but they are no replacement for the work of a professional translator.

Machine translations usually lack accuracy, are not adapted to the context and do not read well, in addition to containing grammatical and cultural mistakes.

A human translator can create a high quality translation, adapted to the specific needs of your project.

5. Translations should be literal

Not necessarily. While being true to the original meaning is important, the main purpose of a translation is to convey the message in the target language in a clear, precise and natural way.

This means adapting the style, structure and register of the text to make it understandable and attractive to the target audience.

6. Translations are expensive.

The price of any translation will depend on several factors, such as the complexity of the text, the delivery deadline and the specialist skills of the translator.

However, if a translation is cheap, it usually means it is low quality.

It is important to invest the money required for a professional translation service that guarantees the precision, fluidity and cultural appropriateness of your project.

Remember that translation is an investment that allows you to communicate with a global audience,  both effectively and professionally. Don’t risk damaging your image with low-quality translations. And don’t listen to myths like the ones we’ve shared with you! Truth can be stranger than fiction.

Rocío González

Author Rocío González

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